
Every year hundreds of citizens in every community are injured due to traffic crashes. Traffic crash injuries are one of the most overlooked public health problems today, but we are working to change that. The Knox County Safe Communities Coalition is a community based program designed to promote safe driving practices and create awareness and prevention of injuries caused by traffic crashes.

The Knox County Safe Communities Coalition is funded by the Ohio Department of Public Safety and the Ohio Traffic Safety Office and is coordinated by Knox Public Health. The objective of Knox County Safe Communities is to promote community-based solutions to address transportation safety and other injury problems related to traffic safety. 

Current programming includes, but is not limited to, Coffee with a Cop, seat belt checks, Rastin Challenge, local fairs and festivals, distribution of awareness materials with traffic safety messages including banners and posters at schools and businesses. The Safe Communities Coalition is comprised of the following agencies, Knox Public Health, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Knox County Sheriff's Office, Mount Vernon Police Department, Danville Police Department, Fredericktown Police Department, Fredericktown EMS, Central Ohio Joint Fire District, Eastern Knox County Joint Fire District, Knox County Prosecutor's Office, Knox Substance Abuse Action Team, OSU Extension, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio Department of Public Safety, and Ohio Traffic Safety Office.

Follow the Safe Communitites Knox County Facebook Page to stay up to date on upcoming events, local traffic safety trends, etc!

You can find the most up to date Knox County traffic statistics by visiting the Ohio State Highway Patrol's website. 

