If you have a strong desire to quit tobacco or vaping devices, the health department’s Knox Out Tobacco program can help. While there is no ‘magic bullet’ to break the addiction to nicotine, we have helped thousands of adult smokers and chewers to quit for good with our evidence-based program.
What's your reason to quit? It may include:
- Improving overall health
- Reducing the smell of smoke on clothes, hair, breath, car and home
- Doing simple tasks without running out of breath
- Having fewer facial wrinkles
- Saving money
- Increasing life expectancy to be around longer for family and friends
- Being in control of your life
Counseling, Support and Nicotine Patches
For a low $10 enrollment fee, Knox Public Health offers eight weeks of counseling, support and nicotine replacement therapy to combat the addiction to tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) such as vape pens, electronic cigarettes and JUUL, thanks to funding from United Way of Knox County. The program is designed to help YOU quit tobacco and/or ENDS within an eight-week time-frame.
Combining counseling and nicotine replacement therapy (nicotine patches, gum or lozenges) will increase chances of quitting successfully. However, there is not one way to quit that works the same for everybody. An individual quit plan is developed with each client regardless of attendfing group, one-on-one or telephonic sessions.
Group Sessions
Group sessions are held every Tuesday morning at 10am in Knox Community Hospital's private dining room. No need to pre-register to attend group sessions. Group sessions can help individuals who are quitting together better understand withdrawal symptoms, triggers, relapse, weight gain, addiction, support systems, and many other issues. Sessions are never designed to lecture clients about the dangers of tobacco or vaping use. Sessions are also non-judgmental and inclusive.
As of April 28, 2023, we no longer conduct our Thursday evening support group meetings in the KPH conference room, only Tuesday.
Individual Sessions
One-on-one and/or telephonic counseling sessions can be arranged by appointment and are ongoing. Sessions much like group meetings can help clients better understand withdrawal symptoms, triggers, relapse, weight gain, addiction, support systems, and many other issues. Sessions are never designed to lecture clients about the dangers of tobacco or vaping use. Sessions are also non-judgmental and inclusive.
The Mommy & Me Tobacco Free program (funded by United Way of Knox County) encourages mom and their spouse/partner to give up smoking/vaping.
A $25 diaper voucher (up to 10 vouchers during prenatal/postpartum terms) is offered as long as mom remains tobacco/vape-free. If a mom's spouse/partner vapes or uses tobacco, nicotine replacement (patches, gum and/or lozenges) will be given to help with their quit journey.
Any Knox County mom and spouse/partner who wants to quit smoking/vaping can enroll regardless of income.
The Ohio Tobacco Quit Line provides personal quit coaching and telephone counseling free of charge to ALL Ohioans, regardless of insurance status or income. There is also a special protocol for pregnant women. Nicotine patches are provided for up to eight weeks at no charge to eligible participants.