2/11/2021 - Knox Public Health has announced a change in date for a mass-vaccination clinic for COVID-19 vaccine involving approximately 700 people.
Originally scheduled for this coming Saturday (2/13), the clinic has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 16 at the former Cooper-Siemen’s property from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. – same location and time as the originally-scheduled clinic, just a change in date.
Clinic participants were notified by phone with a pre-recorded message on Wednesday via the Knox County alert system. However, some residents may not have received the call due to network restrictions, inability to leave a message or because the resident did not recognize the caller ID.
This is a second-dose clinic for those who received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine on Jan. 20, 21 and 22. It is a drive-thru clinic. Completion of paperwork and administration of the vaccine will take place in your vehicle. Attendees need to bring the vaccination card they received at the first-dose clinic and a photo ID.
The former Cooper/Siemens property is located on the westside of Mount Vernon. To access the clinic site which is on the back side of the Cooper/Siemens property, attendees are requested to travel to Dike Road which can be accessed at the end of West High Street. There will be signs posted. Maps to the clinic location are available at the health department during normal business hours and after hours or can be found on the Knox Public Health website: knoxhealth.com.