5/18/22 - The Knox County Board of Health is returning to the conference room at Knox Public Health, 11660 Upper Gilchrist Rd., Mount Vernon, for its regular monthly meetings. The board had been conducting its regular meetings via Zoom and at the Ramser 4-H building.
The next board meeting is Wednesday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Connecting via Zoom is still available. The link is:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83688326037?pwd=enpBaWZ2bkRSbjg3L2xMTVliR05PZz09
Meeting ID: 836 8832 6037
Passcode: 40821
The BOH meetings are open to the public and time is available at the beginning of the meeting for comments from the public. The BOH meets monthly on the Third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Any deviations from the regular schedule including a change in location or time or any additional meetings will be noted at knoxhealth.com or facebook.com/knoxhealth.