Spring Break is a fantastic time to get away, but for some of us, we either can’t, or we don’t have the time to get away from home. If you’re going to be home with your kiddos, you might want some fun spring break ideas.
Children with Medical Handicaps - We are Here to Help You!
We don’t want you to feel alone if you have a child with medical handicaps. We know that it is a full-time job caring for your child and you may feel that you have no one in your corner. But that’s certainly not the case.
We get it, talking about our colon is not everyday conversation. But your colon serves a vital function and when it’s not healthy, all kinds of issues can happen. One of those is colon cancer. Screening is so important and can usually be treated if it’s caught early. Yearly wellness exams are a great way to start, making it easier to find issues, treat them, and keep you healthy. Many times, early-stage colon cancer has no symptoms, so everyone 45 and older should get a yearly exam and do a test.
Did you see a recipe featured in our waiting room that looked delicious?! Here is where you can find all of the recipes and links to more of our favorite recipe websites.
We know that you are busy women - working, raising children, taking care of everyone, and trying to find some time to relax. But are you taking care of yourself? Our doctors, nurses, and therapists here at the Knox County Community Health Center have your heart in mind and want to share what we know in order to help you take care of your heart.
Our Mission
Promote a healthy community through education, innovation, and equitable care.
Our Vision
Inspire and empower healthy lifestyles for generations to come.
Copyright © 2024 - Knox Public Health
Health Department
Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Phone: 740-392-2200 Fax: 740-392-9613
11660 Upper Gilchrist Road, Mount Vernon
Health Center
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm
Phone: 740-399-8008 Fax: 740-399-8012
11660 Upper Gilchrist Road, Mount Vernon (inside KPH) - Dental Services
202 West Vine Street, Mount Vernon - Medical Services
207 West High Street, Mount Vernon (inside Foster's Pharmacy) - Medical Services
206 South Mulberry Street, Mount Vernon - Behavioral Health Services
12 East Main Street, Danville - Behavioral Health & Medical Services
706 South Market Street, Danville - Dental Services
For Health Center service during non-business hours, call 740-399-8008 and choose the "After Hours Service" option.